Brad Hanson - Author and Photographer



Thanks for visiting my author page.  I love historical fiction and I hope you will too if you don't already.  My favorite way to learn history is to read historically accurate fiction.  If done well, the reader can enjoy an exciting story and learn about history at the same time.  Historical fiction brings history alive and makes it seem more real.

I am currently working on a novel about Charlemagne, king of the Franks.  The more I research, the more fascinated I become with Charlemagne.  So many great stories to be told.  Since there is so much material, I am planning on a trilogy.

In the meantime, check out my short stories on the 'Shop Short Stories' tab.  They are historically accurate and I hope you like them.

I also love taking photos of birds, wildlife, sunsets, sunrises and nature.  To view my photos or purchase prints, visit my photography page.